Here is my story
I am into software-based products.
Wish I could say I started programming back in the 80's but that would be untrue. I started programming in 2000 (or '99? not sure) just after I bought my first PC, a 233MMX with 4GB hard drive. Since then I've attempted a few things, written some crappy code & products and also had my fair share of work I'm proud of.
Early in 2003, I carried my Ghana-must-go bag of books + my AND1 sneakers and headed from Ilorin to Lagos, Nigeria to pursue the "get-rich-in-tech-like-Bill-Gates" dream. It hasn't worked yet. Maybe it never will. Maybe it ultimately will.
Later that year, I quit my 8,000 naira per month entry level developer job and went ahead to attempt my first business. It didn't work out and I gave up and went to get a job again. That was where I properly cut my teeth and got better at what I do. I worked with some awesome people at that shop.
Sometime later in 2008, Charles pitched me an idea and said "let's do it". I accepted and hence began a most educative phase of my life's journey where I helped create and lead Quickteller, the mobile & value added services product line of InterSwitch. Nowadays I just hang around supporting the teams who are helping to take the original dream forward. Okay well, I'm now helping the team at VANSO (an Interswitch company) attempt to take mobile banking mainstream.
I'm an avid follower of the tech scene and internet slash mobile businesses.
I am happily married to Sandra Adeoye and together we hope we are doing our best to raise Kristine right.