Hilarious: This is how to scam a scammer

Ope Adeoye 2 minute read

We all get those text messages and emails that say "CBN wants you to update your card". This last weekend, I was sitting in my house jeje and I got the message below:

My first thought was to delete, but Sandra was in the mood for some fun and she said "let's call the guys and wind them a bit". Na so I pick up phone call the guy back... TrueCaller gave me the below...

Some random guy picked up the call. Below was our first conversation. Click the red button... Very funny...

The guy then went to Quickteller.com to start a transaction attempting to debit 20k from my account. You wont believe the Bros then called me back to ask "how far" after I got my SafeToken from Quickteller... :)

Below is our second conversation...

Funny, abi?

Don't give out your card details to anyone!


PS: You won't believe the Bros even called back one last time to ask why I was insulting him and to press me for the debit confirmation and SafeToken. Desperate man. I didn't bother uploading that one, not worth it jare...


